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Blogs are great tools.  I’m about one month into posting on this site.  I’ve enjoyed the ride!

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I’ve also been reading some blogs for a while now.  I’ve found that (and I know this is obvious) you can read good and bad stuff online.

That being said, I want to say to you that you should start a blog.

Why?  You should start a blog because of the following:

  1. You have a story. God is doing something in your life that is unique.  Other people need to be encouraged by it.  I think this falls under “provoke unto love and to good works.” (Hebrews 10:24)
  2. You have a perspective. God’s truth is doing something in you, and that perspective can be helpful to others… if shared with them. It can breath courage into someone else. They’ll see God is working in you and can do the same in them.
  3. People read blogs. The internet is today’s communication tool.  It has been for a while.  People use it.  People read blogs.
  4. You can influence more people than you currently know. Influence is good if used for good.  A blog offers the potential to get your message out to more than just your sphere of friends.
  5. The world needs light. I would venture to say that at this point in my blog, most of my readers are believers in Christ.  If that is true of you, then you are called to spread the light of Christ throughout the world.  There has never been a more connected world than what we have right now.  A blog is another chance to say, “Jesus Saves.”
  6. It’s free. You don’t have to spend any money to start a blog.

While I do think you should start a blog because of the previous reasons, I believe you should think twice about it if the following are true:

  1. All you want to do is tear down the name and ministries of other people. There is a lot of harm being done by gossip, slander, and mistruths being said by envious people.  Don’t join those ranks.
  2. All you want to do is spread venom. There’s enough darkness out there.  Don’t add to it.
  3. You have nothing positive to contribute to the conversation. If you just want to be negative, don’t blog.

If these motives are in your heart, then spare yourself and other people the filth that will flow from your site.

But, if you want to show to others the redeeming work of Jesus, and how He has changed you, then make a difference and influence others with your voice.  Spread the word about God’s life-changing truth.  Use the internet as a way to make the voice for Jesus heard in this world.

If you have a blog, why did you start it?