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Image Credit HappyAlex |

Image Credit HappyAlex |

This post will be short.  Candy and I are busy getting things together for our move to a new ministry.

I’ll simply say that God has been good to us in giving us clear direction for the next step of our lives.  We are convinced that God is moving us to Anderson, SC to minister at Oakwood Baptist Church.

I will be the music/ youth pastor, along with leading the high school choirs in the school.  We are thrilled with this opportunity for several reasons.

  1. I am overjoyed at the privilege of serving on staff at the place where I was shaped and molded as a child and teen.  I hope to give back to those who have invested in me.
  2. The Lord has been turning my heart toward pastoral ministry.  I am excited to have a chance to exercise that calling while serving the youth of Oakwood.
  3. We greatly anticipate giving evidence of God’s grace at work in us over the recent years.  This ministry will be a testimony to the power of the gospel to change a timid boy into a leader for Jesus sake.
  4. My grandfather served as pastor of Oakwood in the 60s.  I am grateful to be able to follow in some of his footsteps.

We are sad to leave the people of Eastside, but we know that we are doing so in the will of God.  I know God has a great future in store for the church.

We a grateful for the many who are praying for us.  We ask that you would continue to do so.  Our desire is for God to use our lives for His glory and to display to others the gospel of Christ.

I may post more as time allows.