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One of the great privileges of planning and leading worship in a church is to get a front row seat to how God is the great orchestrator of church life, specifically in using music to build up His church. Yesterday was another day that God put together two great services.
Many in my state were disappointed with the results of their primary on Saturday. (This is not a political post.) I did not intentionally place the choir song yesterday because I was thinking of Saturdays event ahead of time. Yet God knew (regardless of the results) that we needed to hear these words yesterday:
“Every power on earth and in heaven is a shadow in his light.
No authority, law, or government challenges his sovereign might.
His reign and rule have no boundary. All that is his hands have wrought.
Nothing ever can, nothing ever will overcome the Lord our God.”

God is in control, and He is using events to accomplish His purposes. 

 Two weeks ago, I planned for the choir to sing an opener, but when we tried it in warmups, it wasn’t quite ready.  We post-poned it a week.  That following week, a lady attended our services who came up to me after the service.  Her mother was dying, and the song we had sung was one of her favorites.  She asked if she could have a copy of the music, thinking she may be able to use it in her mother’s funeral.

[Update: The song was Then Sings My Soul by Mary McDonald, a choral setting of “How Great Thou Art.”]

On a national level, rest in and pray to the God who is really in charge.  Trust in Him.

In the church music arena, plan well, and work hard, all while yielding to and trusting in the God who uses your plans – and changes to your plans – to build up His church.

[bctt tweet=”Plan well, and work hard, all while yielding to and trusting in the God who uses your plans – and changes to your plans – to build up His church. #worship”]

 Have you experienced similar divine fingerprints in your church’s music?  I would love to hear your story!  Comment here.