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Junaid Khalid |

Several weeks ago, I came across an e-book called Epidemic on  It was an easy read that was inspiring.  It challenged college students to spread excitement for the cause of Christ by doing one thing every week in their school to cause excitement for missions.  It inspired me to do something like it at our church.

So, we put together a booklet to help our church family get excited about missions as we prepare for our annual missions conference September 14-18.


The booklet is called Take the Challenge: 32 Days of Small Steps to Help the Spread of the Gospel.

In it, we put a calendar dated August 18-September 18 and placed on each day a small task that anyone could accomplish.  The idea is that, as our church family daily does something to help missions, we encourage missions and grow in our understanding that we all are “missions mobilizers.”

The tasks include spending one minute in prayer for missions, purchasing a $5 gift card for one of our conference missionaries, writing an encouraging e-mail to one of our supported missionaries, and handing out a gospel tract to someone.

We included an article (source unknown, but if you know who to give credit to, I would be glad to do so) entitled “How to Pray for Missionaries.”

Although some of the tasks are specific to our church, I encourage you to join us and adapt the tasks to your church missionaries.  You can download the booklet here.

God has called the church to spread the gospel around the world. Every believer should be actively promoting this cause.

So join us!  You can easily catch up with us, or just start on today’s task.

Do something every day to help missions.  And then come back to this page and tell us how God used you to encourage the spread of the gospel!

What other daily tasks can help the spread the gospel throughout the world?  Please comment below.