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This Step, by Faith

This Step, by Faith

This post will be short.  Candy and I are busy getting things together for our move to a new ministry. I’ll simply say that God has been good to us in giving us clear direction for the next step of our lives.  We are convinced that God is moving us to Anderson,...

Why I am Running a 5K this Saturday

This Saturday, I am running what will be my first 5k, the Greeneville Astros 5k.  Several people have asked me why I am going to run the race. I can think of at least four reasons I entered this 5k. 1. Motivation The primary reason I entered the race was to motivate...

Moving to WordPress

I’ve had a blog on blogger ( for several years now.  I’ve heard of the benefits of a wordpress site, and it seems to me to be better than blogger, so I’ll be in the process of migrating my posts over here. In the meantime,...