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How You Can Do Something Every Day for Missions

How You Can Do Something Every Day for Missions

  Several weeks ago, I came across an e-book called Epidemic on  It was an easy read that was inspiring.  It challenged college students to spread excitement for the cause of Christ by doing one thing every week in their school to cause...
A Prayer for Twenty-Somethings

A Prayer for Twenty-Somethings

I am a twenty-something.  Psychologists are wanting to make a “new stage” (life stage) for me.  Society is wanting to redefine what it means for me to be a person in my twenties. Many people in my age bracket are not deciding on a life focus, life mate, or...

The Reason for Our Fruitlessness

Have you ever been discouraged that it seemed like your life lacked the fruitfulness you imagined?  Have you ever worked hard to serve others, only to feel a frustration of pointlessness? Could it be that at times we have it backwards?  Are we focused more on the work...

A Case for Truth-focused Ministry

But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ. Ephesians 4:15 In my short time in church work, I’ve observed some of my tendencies.  It’s easy to focus my attention on secondary things instead of  the...