by Mark J Martin | Oct 6, 2015 | Devotional, Music
Singer, you have a gift that someone needs. Player, you do too. You have something that can turn hearts. This gift you have redirects minds. It replenishes emotions and encourages hearts. You have a song. Not the general “song.” You have a song....
by Mark J Martin | Sep 10, 2015 | Music
I relaunched earlier this week with a new design. The old design was too basic, and, especially on a computer, wasted a lot of real estate on your computer screen. Take a look at the new design. It’s a lot easier to navigate. As I post more...
by Mark J Martin | Aug 26, 2015 | Music
I set out in April of this year to use this website as a platform to reach out to church musicians. As I’ve progressed, I’ve focused my content on leading church music ministries. But, as I’ve continued to write, more than just music pastors have...
by Mark J Martin | Aug 12, 2015 | Music
Silent Wonder is a simple, yet profound choral anthem that will lead your musicians and congregation in a prayer for God to teach them “Silent Wonder.” Silent Wonder is about recapturing the wonder of the nativity scene. Christ, the God of heaven, became...
by Mark J Martin | Jul 21, 2015 | Music
Sunday morning, I sang “I Can Go In” by Abigail Miller in church, and, just like the last time, I couldn’t make it through without choking up. Poor church had listen to me blubber through one of the verses. Needless to say, it’s a great song...
by Mark J Martin | Jul 8, 2015 | Music
I entered college with too many interests but no clear direction. I began as a music major, then changed majors several times. Meanwhile, I felt the call to serve in a preaching capacity. I chose a major that would allow me to finish quickly and still get training in...